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Árabátur Flow

Árabátur Flow


Verð 315.990kr
Verð Útsöluverð 315.990kr
Útsala Uppselt
Vsk innifalinn Sendingarkostnaður reiknast í næsta skrefi

Lítill og flottur árabátur sem hentar vel á vatnið, hægt er að setja á hann lítinn utanborðsmótor 4HP
Ósökkvandi og viðhaldsfrír


Heildarlengd 2.58m
Heildarbreidd 1.44m
Heildarhæð 0.52m
Heildarþyngd 65kg
Fyrir 1-3 manneskjur
Hámarksþyngd 350kg
Hámarks vélarstærð 4HP
Mælt er með amk 2.1m löngum árum

Aukabúnaður fylgir

Árar 2.20m
Tveir kassar með ásetu

Ítarlegar upplýsingar

Flow is a boat designed for fishing and recreation. The compact design allows for easy transport, the boat is light and made of polyethylene resistant to scratches and punctures. Flow perfect both when it is powered by oars and a small electric or combustion engine. The boat provides comfortable swimming for two or even three people. You can freely configure the equipment. The hull allows you to choose any variant which may include: a wooden bench, aft locker, middle locker.

Category - Recreational boat - category D
Vessel designed for voyages in sheltered waters,
small bays, small lakes, rivers and canals with
wind force up to and including 4◦B and significant wave height not
exceeding 0.3 m with occasional waves
0.5 m high, caused, for example, by ships passing by

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