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Verð 15.990kr
Verð Útsöluverð 15.990kr
Útsala Uppselt
Vsk innifalinn Sendingarkostnaður reiknast í næsta skrefi
The Shell Inflation Valve is a high performance valve suitable for all areas of recreational and technical diving. The design of the housing makes it easy to locate and ables the diver to inflate a smooth flow of gas and fully control the buoyancy. The construction of the filter lid makes the Shell Inflation Valve suitable to use in conjunction with all common undergarments.
  • Available with high/low push button
  • Swiveling 360°
  • Available with large/small guide ridge
  • Available with Int´l or CEJN type nipple
  • Anti-friction washer
  • Nipple cover to prevent ingress of particles

Hár hnappur

  • High push button
  • Large guide ridge
  • Int´l nipple

Lágur hnappur

  • Low push button
  • Large guide ridge
  • CEJN type nipple
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