Snjallúr Suunto 9 Peak Pro
Snjallúr Suunto 9 Peak Pro
Pro version of the small and sleek multisport watch for smaller wrists.
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Snjallúr Suunto 9 Peak Pro. Vandað, nett og á frábæru verði. Nákvæm kort og yfir 95+ íþróttaforrit

21 daga
grade durability
GPS og leiðarlýsing

Measurements 43 x 43 x 10.8 mm
Weight 64 g
Bezel material: Stainless steel
Glass material: Sapphire crystal
Case material: Glass fibre reinforced polyamide
Strap material: Silicone
What's in the box?
Suunto 9 Peak Pro All Black, charging cable, printed user documentation
Country of manufacture CN
Tæknilegar upplýsingar
Bezel material: Stainless steel
Glass material: Sapphire crystal
Case material: Glass fibre reinforced polyamide
Strap material: Silicone
Weight: 64g
Strap width: 22 mm
Wrist sizes: 125-175 mm or 125-200 mm depending on the model (accessory straps -215 mm)
Integrated wrist heart rate
Customizable watch faces
Touch screen lock
Touch display
Color display
Vibration alert
Automatic daylight saving time
Water resistance: 100 m
Battery typer: echargeable lithium-ion
Firmware upgradable
Time, date
Alarm clock
Dual time
Automatic timekeeping
Countdown timer
Stopwatch timer
Languages: EN, CS, DA, DE, EL, ES, FI, FR, IT, JA, KO, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SV, TR, HE, ZH*, TH*, ZHTW*
BacklightLEDConfigurable backlight
automatic brightness
Button lock
during exercise
Display size
Display typematrixDisplay resolution
240 x 240
Battery indicatorpercentage / iconMetric and imperial unitsBlood oxygenAutomatic firmware updates over the airAlways-on display
Aðrir eiginleikar
Operating temperature: -20° C to +55° C
Storage temperature: -20° C to +55° C
Recommended charging temperature: 0° C to +35° C
Intelligent charge reminders
Daily use: Smartwatch mode: up to 21 days
Daily use: Standby time mode only: up to 30 days
Training: All-Systems GNSS mode + Single-Band: up to 40h
Training: All battery modes battery promises: 40h / 70h / 300h
Training: Power saving GNSS modes: up to 300h
Digital compass
Tilt compensation
Declination correction
Direction scaledegrees / mils
Needle: north indicator
Compass accuracy: 5°
Compass resolution: 1°
Connectivity (between devices): Bluetooth
Compatible with Suunto app
Media controls on watch
Send predefined replies to incoming messages from watch: Android only
Compatible with online sports communities
Phone notifications on the watch
Watch software updates from cloud
Automatic over the air software updates
Smartphone compatibility: Most common models supported
Control your music with watch
Activity tracking
Step counter
Calories burned
Activity targets
Activity history
Calorie burn rate and heart rate during daily activities
Daily minimum heart rate tracking
Sleep tracking
Sleep duration
Bed times
Time awake
Deep sleep
Sleep quality
HRV from sleep
Average and minimum heart rate during sleep
Light sleep
Stress and recovery
Stress and recovery status
Daily resource level
HRV measurement
Outdoor functions
GPS tracking and navigation
Intelligent battery modes: Performance, Endurance, Tour, Custom
GPS recording rate: Best, OK, Low
Waypoint and visual route navigation
Zoom levels in navigation
Auto zoom based on route shape
Breadcrumb trail in real time
Route planning with altitude profile
Outdoor terrain and satellite maps
Global heatmaps for 20 sports
Route planning with heatmaps
Personal route library synced to watch
Snap to route
Point of Interest (POI) navigation
ETA (estimated time of arrival)
GPS track analysis
Track logging, viewing and sharing
Simultaneous satellite systems: 4
Max connected satellites: 32
Outdoor maps by satellite, terrain and topography in web by Mapbox, Google Maps & Android
Bearing navigation
GNSS frequency support: L1
ETA (estimated time of arrival), remaining distance
Barometric altitude
GPS altitude
Combined GPS and barometric altitude (FusedAlti™)
Altitude in daily mode
Altitude acclimation with blood oxygen
Total ascent/descent
Vertical speed
Automatic alti/baro profile
Log recording rate: 1 s
Resolution: 1 m
Range: -500 - 9999 m
Sunrise/sunset times
Storm alarm
Sea level pressure
Automatic alti/baro profile
TemperatureTemperature display range: -20° C to +55° C
Temperature resolution: 1° C
Pressure resolution: 1 hPa
Altitude graph shown in exercise summary
Æfinga eiginleikar
Interval training
Setup intervals
Interval guidance during training
Structured intervals
Heart rate
Heart rate measured from wrist
Heart rate belt compatibility: Bluetooth Smart belts
RR interval: with Suunto Smart Heart Rate Belt & Suunto Smart Sensor
Heart rate in beats per minute
Records heart rate in swimming
Heart rate graph in real time
Real-time average heart rate
Peak Training Effect
Recovery time
Personal heart rate zones
Fitness level (VO2max)
Speed and distance
Cadence based speed and distance
GPS speed and distance
Foot POD support: Bluetooth Smart
Manual laps
Analysis of pace, speed graphs and tracks on the map
Training based recovery time
Feeling stored after training to watch
Training load
Logbook with exercise details
Exercise summary with lap details
Training load with totals by sport
Training logbook for long term overviews
Log summary on the watch with lap details
Share and relive
Exercise sharing to social media
Exercise rating and commenting
Follow other members and get feedback via activity stream
Adaptive training guidance
Intensity and duration based real-time guidance during workout
Íþrótta eiginleikar
Pool swim pace and distance
Openwater swim distance
Records heart rate in swimming
Swimming time by pool length, lap, total
Swimming stroke rate, count and type
Stroke efficiency (SWOLF)
Automatic intervals
Interval lap table
Running pace
Suunto FusedSpeed™
Snap to route
Running power: from wrist or with Stryd sensor
SuuntoPlus™ Ghost runner
Foot POD calibration: automatic
Lap table in watch and Suunto app
Average, max, lap pace in real time
Interval guidance with running pace/heart rate/distance
Cycling speed
Average speed in real time
Bike POD with speed/cadence support: Bluetooth Smart
Bike power meter support: Bluetooth Smart
Bike Power (W), average and maximum (with power sensor): Bluetooth Smart
Bike Lap and Lap Maximum Power (with power sensor)
Real-time lap table with avg HR, avg power and avg speed
Interval guidance with power/speed/heart rate
Change sport mode during exercise
Preconfigured multisport modes
Post-analysis of multisport exercise by sport
Multisport exercise summary on watch
Sport modes
Customizable sport modes and displays
Graphical displays in sport modes
Pre-installed sport modes on watch: > 95
SuuntoPlus™: Yes, check the details from here
Köfunar eiginleikar
Depth meter for snorkeling: 10 m